Tuesday 13 March 2012

Development process of salts building

As part of my input to the team trailer for our made up game "Torn", I'm Modeling the Shipley college salts building, to be featured a t the beginning of the trailer. The environment isn't finished thus far, but I'm towards the end of the modeling stage, soon I will be using unwrap UVW in order to texture the model of salts building in Photoshop.
This is what I've done so far-  
The textures soon on the building now are only temporary until I unwrap the model and texture it in Photoshop.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Team T-shirt design

Today our team each created there own T-shirt design For our trailer. We used a website called Streetshirts.com to create the designs as on the website they have template shirts, T-shirts ext. So this made the process a lot easier it also told you have much the end product would cost. I made a black short sleeve T-shirt with the game Logo on the front and the team name "the wolf pack" on the back.
Above is my design:  
We then voted upon which design we deemed the best and will be sent of to be made into actual T-shirts for the team to be worn on the day of the showcase, Here is the winning design below: