Tuesday 29 November 2011

Analogue Overview

Today our class looked at how analogue is very different to digital and arguable better.
Analogue is a physical form of transmitting sound, its bandwidth is unlimited and uses vibrations to send sound, where as digital has a restricted amount of bandwidth available. There are many different opinions when it comes to which format is better to display sound and both analogue & digital have there strong suits e.g. digital has a longer expiration date than analogue, but analogue sounds warmer to humans which is why many thinks its better.
The different types of analogue signals we looked at where vinyl records made with aluminium & magnetic tapes, but there are many other ways in which to transmit an analogue signal e.g. Televisions & ultrasonic devices.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Trailer Analysis- Planning the team trailer

Our team was asked to create a mind map of our ideas for the trailer we will shortly be having to make i 3ds max. We started talking about the setting of the trailer and decided a futuristic post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak was the best solution. We also talked about the featured we would include within the trailer e.g. sound effects (gun shots, zombie noises), sound track, we also need to include a title screen, end credits, age rating, team logo ext. the trailer would take place within salts building
 We briefly talked about the plan for the trailer, here is a brief idea of the trailer. We starts in modern day saltaire, the power goes out, we look for solution, end up in a time traveling elevator which sends use to the future saltaire, from there things take a dark turn.
   The trailer will feature the entire team, along with Sir Titus Salt.

Sound Lab- Creating sounds

Today in the sound room we learned about how sound is used in games and films through the use of sound effects ext, to create dramatic effects and immerse the player/viewer fully in which ever media they are experiencing. We also learned how the effects in films and games are created, they do this by getting real sounds within day to day life and transform then using sound editing software, making the effect move fast, slower, higher & lower in frequency and also play with the bass to give added effect. Many people find however the best way to get the most realistic effects is to use what is know as a "Foley artist", these our the people behind the scenes who create the true immersion within the chosen media. Using real people to create the sounds give a more life like feel to the effects, without them sounding too over the top, they create there effects in a manner of ways from hitting apples with sticks to create realistic connecting punches to hitting a watermelon with an axe to create a realistic blow to the head from an axe. Without these unique skills immersion into media would be no where near as imaginative and truly brilliant as it is.  

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Songs and how they effect you

A song can make a person feel a manor of different emotions whether it be happy, sad, mellow whatever you listen to, songs have a massive impact on peoples lives and depending on what a person listens to can tell a lot about there personality.  
   I was asked to find a few of my favorite songs and express how they make me feel, so here they are:

Ron Pope- A drop in the ocean
This song is very deep and emotional, it means a great deal to me as I feel i can relate to the song. The quick summary of the song is that he loves a woman completely, but she doesn't feel the same way, the singer expresses this through the lyrics "a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, i was praying that you and me might end up together, it's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert and I'm holding you closer than most, because you are my heaven".