Thursday 24 May 2012

Sound Unit Reflection questions

What did you do and how did you do it?
I did the narration for the wolf packs team trailer (my team) as well as the narration for the Cybertronics team trailer, I did this by writing a script about the trailer, then recorded me narrating the script in the sound labs recording room. After this I but the recording into the software called Cubase and played around with it until changing the speed, tempo ext. until it sounds how I envisioned it.

Does you final audio production meet your original intentions? If it does not match your planning explain why
It doesn't meet my original intentions, originally I planned to have sound effects of car alarms and fire ext. but found that during production of the trailer I was going to have to make compromises in order to finish on time. The team originally didn't think to include a narration, but I offered my serves's for the part.

Self Evaluation- how did you manage your time? How could you have managed your time more effectively?
I feel as though I managed my time quite efficiently, and finished my narration with time to play around with it in Cubase. If I where however to have had more time or managed time more effectively then I would have been able to add more effects into my animation, to have done this I could have made a good plan and stuck to it rather than changing my mind half way through.

What did you struggle with? e.g. Cubase, microphones, playing instruments, sound cards?
I think overall I had a good grasp on things, but If I had to pick one I would say that Cubase gave me the most challenges, but after some time I came to grips with the software and did fairly well.

What did you find easy?
I found that when I did the narration for the trailer was the easiest part for me, many people might not feel comfortable, talking into the microphone knowing everyone will be hearing you voice, it can be quite embarrassing, but for me it didn't bother me. I enjoyed it and when I messed up even though people laughed I thought it was funny as well.

How does you finished audio compare to proffesional examples?
I don't think my work is anywhere near as good as professional work, but i think for my first audio production I did okay. Although in the actual trailer the music overpowers the narration and its hard to hear, but the narration itself sounds quite good.

What do other people think about your audio?
Other people think it sounds quite good, the often heard comment is that I sound like a cross between "Batman" and "Keanu Reeves."

What could you improve upon?
I think I could have done a few more takes in the sound lab to get the narration sounding exactly how I wanted it but due to deadlines I had to go with what I had, So I think Time management would be something to improve upon.

If you were to do it again what would you do differently next time?
I would have managed my time more effectively and spent more time perfecting my narration.

It's not about the finished product, it's about the journey. What did you learn?
I learn't how to operate Cubase, and learn't about sound cards and more about sounds labs in general. I learn't about Foley artists and How different sounds are made using a multitude of different techniques. 

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