Tuesday 11 September 2012

Resident Evil 6

I personally can't wait for the new edition to the Resident Evil franchise, It's been a hell of a wait even today I still play Resident Evil 5, which in my opinion is one of the best games out there. However many people don't seem very optimistic abut Resi  6, due to the massive let down that Resident Evil: Racoon City brought with it (my opinion). What people must realise though is that Racoon City was simply a spin off and If any of you have watched the trailers and game play of Resi 6 will know this it's shaping up to be a massive hit (I will post a link at the botom), with multiple character play choices to play though one singular campain, playing from each Characters perspective. Spacing the game out and adhiring to the entire Resi fan club, adding editions for each play style eg. Chris campaign is suited to the more guns blazzing, f**k sh*t up kind of player. Where as Leon's campain is suited for the followers of the early resi franchise, more dark and scary like's too shit themselves kind of players and the new edition to the franchise Wesker's son Jake, following in the footsteps of his farther with bad ass hand to hand combat and genaral f**k sh*t up deminar. This I think will be a great adition the the game adding a character who can chose to use only hand to hand melee. Jake is definalty a character I look forward to playing as....
   The game is set to release October 2... so per-order now I know I have :)

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