Thursday 30 September 2010

professional 3D modles

This is my favorite professional 3D model, I particularly like it because its from the film Lord Of The Rings trilogy. I like it because it looks authentic and realistic and I hope to one day be able to create things of this magnitude myself. Its very well done and takes allot of time to make and is done by teams of people but the end product is brilliant. This is the model of helms deep:

3D castle in 3ds max

I made a castle in 3ds max following the first on i made i tried to make this one more in depth and detailed, but unfortunately was unable to finish never the less i think it was enjoyable to make and mold to shape.
     I first started making the castle battle tower and using the editable mesh to shape and try to imitate a real life Castle, once finished i duplicated the tower 4 times as to create the four foundation points to my castle, after that I made a wall with archer stations. I also duplicated this wall twice for two sides of the castle, I didn't duplicate four times because two of the walls were smaller than the other two so for them I had to make a new wall using the same principles as the first one, using the editable mesh and a taper to curve and shape the walls. once finished with the outer layer of the castle I started on making an entrance to the fort I deleted part of the larger wall in the centre to make an opening then created a draw bridge using the box tool.
     I then added sides to the bridge to create the elements of a mechanism that would lift and drop the bridge, unfortunately this was as far as I got as I ran out of time, But if i had time i was going to create a hugh buliding inside the castle walls, it would have looked like a palace, a place were the a king would live.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Today I made a castle using 3ds max.  I  first started making  a battle tower then modifying it using by making the tower an editable mesh, once finished with that I tapered the tower so that I could create curves in the tower and bend it around. Once I was happy with the tower i duplicated it four times to create the foundations to my castle. After I made a wall with archer platforms , using the same method as I did to make the battle towers, I also duplicted this four times and and moved them around to create a giant wall around the castle. In the forth wall I made a big hole as to create a moat and a door. This is the product I came out with.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Unit 19 desktop genre collage

This is a collage that I made to represent different game genres, this genres include, sci-fi, horror, fantasy and war. i used pictures from different game magazines such as Edge, to show the different types of games. Allot of it was hard because it was hard to find suitable pictures to go into the collage to cover more than one genre.
      I had to find specific pictures for each type of genre. So that the collage was efficient enough to serve its purpose. Said collage included pictures of popular games which included, Viking, Alien vs predator, ninja gaiden and ofcourse Call of duty modern warfare. This gave lots of variety to the collage and helped singeling out each genre and type of the game.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Favorite 3d gaming models

These are some of my personal favorite in game pitures of games I enjoy to play, and 3d models of characters in other games I love.

This is a picture of Fable 2, the 3d model character that you play as in the game is fairly realistic and is well done thier is alot of detail gone in to the making of the character and is very unique in comparison to other computer controlled characters which are also very well done. the landscape and content in game as you walk around is very graphic and detailed their are cracks in the road making it look how roads would have look during the era of the game., Its is all so well thought out and realistic in the fact that days turn into night and weather changes, this makes the game have more feel to it and more enjoyable for the player allowing the player to feel emotion thus making it feel as if your in the game.
This is an in game snapshot of Modern warfare 2, and the character modeling is very well thought out and has a sense of authentisity to it because it looks real and detail is key. The way the character moves and you control it looks how the SAS would move and react in real life senarios. The models gun is also authentic and realistic, and reacts how the real gun would e.g. recoil. The maps/ landscapes and surrounding and well though out and planned, and are very accurate to real places, and how detailed the surrouindings are with bullet holes in the walls and being able to make bullet holes in the wall is a very nice and realistic to real life warfare, making you nerves to run out a of a corner and into the line of fire, moments like that are assentional, because it makes the player belive that they are in the game and react when seeing an enemy. This makes the game more enjoyable because all these elements make the game unique.   

Wednesday 15 September 2010

To create this image i used Autodesk 3ds max, i created a 3d world useing different shapes and sizes this is a snapshot of the virtual world, e.g i used cones, boxes, triangles, pryamids and even a tea pot to create a abstract art. Then i took a photo of the world and posted up on here.


Im currently taking a BND game develpment course in the hope of working for a high up games company making and designing games, e.g. Lion head or Ubisoft.