Thursday 30 September 2010

3D castle in 3ds max

I made a castle in 3ds max following the first on i made i tried to make this one more in depth and detailed, but unfortunately was unable to finish never the less i think it was enjoyable to make and mold to shape.
     I first started making the castle battle tower and using the editable mesh to shape and try to imitate a real life Castle, once finished i duplicated the tower 4 times as to create the four foundation points to my castle, after that I made a wall with archer stations. I also duplicated this wall twice for two sides of the castle, I didn't duplicate four times because two of the walls were smaller than the other two so for them I had to make a new wall using the same principles as the first one, using the editable mesh and a taper to curve and shape the walls. once finished with the outer layer of the castle I started on making an entrance to the fort I deleted part of the larger wall in the centre to make an opening then created a draw bridge using the box tool.
     I then added sides to the bridge to create the elements of a mechanism that would lift and drop the bridge, unfortunately this was as far as I got as I ran out of time, But if i had time i was going to create a hugh buliding inside the castle walls, it would have looked like a palace, a place were the a king would live.

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