Tuesday 21 September 2010

Unit 19 desktop genre collage

This is a collage that I made to represent different game genres, this genres include, sci-fi, horror, fantasy and war. i used pictures from different game magazines such as Edge, to show the different types of games. Allot of it was hard because it was hard to find suitable pictures to go into the collage to cover more than one genre.
      I had to find specific pictures for each type of genre. So that the collage was efficient enough to serve its purpose. Said collage included pictures of popular games which included, Viking, Alien vs predator, ninja gaiden and ofcourse Call of duty modern warfare. This gave lots of variety to the collage and helped singeling out each genre and type of the game.

1 comment:

  1. Good start Isaac. I really like the depth you went in to analysing in game models in your earlier post. In future, try and make time to create a post on all your 3d workshops, it will really help evidence your coursework in the future
