Wednesday 10 November 2010

3ds max space ship

I started by creating a box with 5 by 5 by 5 in demension. Once that was done I turned the box into an editable mesh and turned egded faces on. I then duplicated the box and made it instance instead of just copy, then I used the mirror tool and made it reflect to the Y axis, by doing all this ment that when I edited one of the boxes the other would mirror this image and do the same. after getting the basic image of a space ship by extruding certain parts of the box and using all the mesh tool, I then started to add detail to the ship and make it look more futuristic. Once finished with all the tuning and editing of the ship I deleted the cloned half, then cloned the existing half again but this time I used copy instead of instance. I used the mirror tool again and used the Y axis to make the cloned side be exactly the same place as the other but on the other side. Then I moved the together and attached the clone and the exstisting half of the ship together. Once I did that i welded the two together. Finally I played around with some colours to create a cool look for my furturistic space ship.

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