Wednesday 19 January 2011

lighting tests in 3ds max

Using 3ds max I experimented with different lighting's and lighting effects to create shadows and learn where to place the llighting to get the best effect, doing this i was able to place the light in different places and used different colour lights to create different lighting effects. Firstly I placed a plain down, and tested the lighting on a flat surface. Then rendered the image, secondly, I tried different kinds of lights and different coloured lights, I also placed an object of the plain to try and create shadows behind the object.
   Finally I tried to create a shadow on a pyramid by placing the light source at a side view of the object, by doing this it created a shadow moving up the object.
   For the lighting I used a "target spot", then to change the density of the light I changed the spot light parameters to create more of an effect, I changed the "hotspot/ beam" to a smaller width so the light was not as powerfull, then a lowered the fallout so the shadows would be more percise with the object.
These are my 3 outcomes:
 This was my first attempt at creating a lit plain.

My second attempt was a little better, it looks as if a car head light was shining apon a giant tea pot.

this was my finally attempt at creating a light source, effecting an object, this is also my favourite, becasue i like how the shadow moves up the object, it shows how the light is looking at a certain point.

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