Wednesday 9 February 2011


Today I textured a house I had used in 3ds max, using photoshop. We were given an already built house, and was told to unwrap it, we had to use the modify tool and chose unwrap UVW, this open up a new list of options I could use. Once I did this I high lighted each face on one side of the house and then pressed quick planar map, and edit this oped up a whole new world in which I had to move the side in and make it smaller. I did this for each side of the house and also the roof and the base. Then I copied the image into photoshop and used the ruler tool and placed it around the main part of the picture and then cropped the rest. I then began to change the texture of each side and played around with it for a while before I was happy with the final texture. I also added two windows and a door which I found on the Internet to ad to the detail of the house. I then saved the file and uploaded it onto my house using the material editor, using bitmap I was able to chose the saved photoshop file as my texture design.
            In conclusion I believe that for my first time in texturing an object using photoshop and then placing it on an object in 3ds max, I don't think I did to bad I would like to do this again, and hopefully have more time to experiment with the textures.

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