Thursday 31 March 2011

Motavational speech

Yesterday our class (BND Games development, Shipley Collage) listened and learned how to keep motavated in life, this was to try keep our minds active and let use know that whatever your dream always pursue it and never let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
   Action jackson was the name of the speaker, who can be found on youtube through this link:

 He told use how no matter what never give up and always push to exceed with everything we do. HE did this in a manner of ways and also made the entire process fun, becuase there nothing like sitting with a speaker for 2 hours who just talk at you. Jackson got use all involved, and gave the class tasks, to show how dreams can come true, e.g. He asked use to hold out our right arm and move it backwards to see how far we could go. Then told use to picture doing it in our heads with our eyes closed, but try to move it further back, then we repeated the same task again after visualising it, and we could move our arms further back. This proves that dreams can come true, if you push and try to exceed, you can acomplish most things.
   In conclusion I think that Action Jackson inspired use all to change our opinions on how to live our lives and actually try hard within all we do.
 Thanks Action Jackson :)  

Wednesday 23 March 2011

collapsed wall in 3ds max

I watched a tutorial on how to collapse a wall and though that it was really interesting, so I set out to do the same. The tutorial I watched can be found by clicking on this link:

I wrote down everything needed to do from the tutorial, to create my own collapsed wall.
These are the step by step instructions on how to make this animation work:
 "Create a big plane"
 " Create a small box but just a bit higher than the plane" (This is so when the animation is done the bricks will not fall through the floor)
"Copy the box 6 times along side one another, but not touching"
"build up the box once and set it of like a brick wall"
"use the angle snap toggle and select all blocks and rotate around 90 degrees" do this again with the new boxes selected. Then put them together so they make a square.
"Select all boxes and copy them up 10 times"
This is the end of the first stages now for the technical parts:
Go to "customize" then show UI then show FT
This will open up loads of new tool bars delete all the smaller ones leaving the one big one.
then click "open property editor" once all the boxes are selected
Then put the mass to "20" and click "inactive" and "bounding box"
Then do the same for the plane but put mass to "0"

As there are many other elements needed to further the process of making this aniamtion work, it is very time consuming to write all the instructions down. so if you want to make this from yourself please click on the link, this will show you exactly what to do.
Thank you for reading :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

Texturing 3ds max

This it a textured house that took me 3 hours to make and texture after watching a couple of tutorials on the Internet, this was also my second attempt ever at texturing. This time due to the tutorials I did a lot better then previously, which you can see I'm one of my previous posts.
Heres the link to the turorial I used:
      I made the house using the same process as before, simple making a box and manipulate it, then onto mapping it which i did do differently. Thanks to the tutorial I watched it showed me how to map the house all at once instead of doing each polygon separately. this is done by using UVW unwrap and instead of clicking one polygon highlight the entire house and click edit in the UVW unwrap menu, then click mapping and then flattern mapping. This maps the entire house in seconds, saving you more time, which you will need when texturing as this was the hard part and took me a good 2 hours to make, maybe this was because it was only my second attempt but I would also like the factor in the point that it is extremely tedious, strenuous and hard work.
      On to the texturing, this was done exactly the same as before which I talk about in my last post, but this time I spent a lot more time doing it and found the right textures to use. The only problem with it is that the map looks nothing like the 3d house so, its kind of a guessing game, unless you look at the model and click on the mapping in 3ds max to see which part is which, this will help you in texturing but isnt exactly time effevtive.
   Anyway In conclusion, I believe that I spent my time wisely and did a good job with the texturing and making of the house, this is the fruits of my labour:

 The back of the house:

This is the textured map:

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Icons for the Iphone

we were asked to design 4 Icons for the IPhone, each expressing a different genre; war, horror, sci-fi and fantasy. We first had to come up with lots of ideas for each genre then chose a final design for each. Once we had chosen the final designs we then had to re-draw the four images and then scan them into the computer to place on top of backgrounds we had previously made. then after playing about and tweaking this is what i finally came out with:

My first icon: This image was for war, it represents war. The icon can easily be recognised for its purpose. The icon is a small figure dropping down on a parachute, symbolising a paratrooper.

My second icon: This image was for horror, this icon was my favourite to make and i really like how it turned out. It looks like a shuriken star with blood stains at the tips of the blades and a giant eye in the middle.

My third icon: This image was for sci-fi. the icon came out looking reasonable, but I think it could have been better. It is comprised of a giant eye with an odd shape around it.

My final icon: This icon was for fantasy. It wasnt the best icon i came up with but it serves its perpose and can be recognised for it genra.

Here is a professional example of icons for aplications on Ipods, Iphones and android phones: