Thursday 31 March 2011

Motavational speech

Yesterday our class (BND Games development, Shipley Collage) listened and learned how to keep motavated in life, this was to try keep our minds active and let use know that whatever your dream always pursue it and never let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
   Action jackson was the name of the speaker, who can be found on youtube through this link:

 He told use how no matter what never give up and always push to exceed with everything we do. HE did this in a manner of ways and also made the entire process fun, becuase there nothing like sitting with a speaker for 2 hours who just talk at you. Jackson got use all involved, and gave the class tasks, to show how dreams can come true, e.g. He asked use to hold out our right arm and move it backwards to see how far we could go. Then told use to picture doing it in our heads with our eyes closed, but try to move it further back, then we repeated the same task again after visualising it, and we could move our arms further back. This proves that dreams can come true, if you push and try to exceed, you can acomplish most things.
   In conclusion I think that Action Jackson inspired use all to change our opinions on how to live our lives and actually try hard within all we do.
 Thanks Action Jackson :)  

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