Thursday 17 March 2011

Texturing 3ds max

This it a textured house that took me 3 hours to make and texture after watching a couple of tutorials on the Internet, this was also my second attempt ever at texturing. This time due to the tutorials I did a lot better then previously, which you can see I'm one of my previous posts.
Heres the link to the turorial I used:
      I made the house using the same process as before, simple making a box and manipulate it, then onto mapping it which i did do differently. Thanks to the tutorial I watched it showed me how to map the house all at once instead of doing each polygon separately. this is done by using UVW unwrap and instead of clicking one polygon highlight the entire house and click edit in the UVW unwrap menu, then click mapping and then flattern mapping. This maps the entire house in seconds, saving you more time, which you will need when texturing as this was the hard part and took me a good 2 hours to make, maybe this was because it was only my second attempt but I would also like the factor in the point that it is extremely tedious, strenuous and hard work.
      On to the texturing, this was done exactly the same as before which I talk about in my last post, but this time I spent a lot more time doing it and found the right textures to use. The only problem with it is that the map looks nothing like the 3d house so, its kind of a guessing game, unless you look at the model and click on the mapping in 3ds max to see which part is which, this will help you in texturing but isnt exactly time effevtive.
   Anyway In conclusion, I believe that I spent my time wisely and did a good job with the texturing and making of the house, this is the fruits of my labour:

 The back of the house:

This is the textured map:

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