Thursday 14 April 2011

bouncing ball animation

Although my other animations are better than this, our class were given a tutorial on how to animate a ball bouncing. The animation was very basic and only took a few minutes to do, this is how I did it.
First we had to make a plane and a sphere, the sphere was used as the bouncing ball, in order to animate it, we used the auto key and plotted a course for the ball to follow by moving the frame line at the bottom of the screen, at then moving the ball down or up depending on how far through I was. I repeated this motion for about 200 frames, moving the ball up and down. I also made the ball spin to give it more of a realistic feel. Once I had finished doing this I hit play and the ball bounced up and down gradually the bounces would be come smaller until the ball came to a halt, this gave the ball more of a realistic look, as physics where implemented, as the ball bounced it would loose energy so the ball would bounce less. I also added a spot light, to create a shadow on the ball, and added fog to give the environment an atmospheric effect.
This is what I came out with:

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