Wednesday 15 June 2011

A space scene Animation

This is the animation I made for a project our class was given. There were no specifics as to what the animation had to be about, which help a great deal as I wasent trying to create something someone has told me rather we were able to create something entirely independent and something that relates to use as people.
   The reson I chose to create a space scene was because ever since I can remebemer I have loved all things to do with the universe and have always been astounded by whats out there. When i was given the chance to create this animation I knew isntantly that I wanted to create something to do with the space. I feel that the whole process of creating this animation went well even though challenges did occur, i was able to tackle them with ease and evetually ended up with something I'm quite pleased with considering this wa smy first big animation.
    I went for quality rather than quantity with this animation but unfortuanalty the quality can not been seen as the rendered avi file, is not the best quality itself, there for all the effects i put into the animation e.g. the sun look kind of tacky and rubish, however I will also put a rendered jpeg of the animation on the post to show you how it was supposed to look.
     Once the animation was finished I put it together in windows movie maker, as there were 3 different camera shots in the animation I had to render each one indavidually. I also added some effects using movie maker e.g. added music and effects for when the camera shot was changed. 
Overall there were a few challanges with this animation, but you must face challanges sometimes in order to achieve maximum potential as a challenge pushes you harder to achieve.
Well this Is my animation I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading 

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