Tuesday 18 October 2011

Questionnaire Results

Our class was divided up into groups and asked to produce a questionnaire in order to find out what the general public would look for in an interactive representation of saltaire in a 3d environment. My group consisted of Myself (Isaac Parker), Oliver Shillingford, Alex Ejraee, Alex Jeffery, Joe Lee and Joshua Williams, we had to take our questions to the streets to find out the peoples opinions.     
     Our results show that the majority of people where between the ages of 17-20. We had an equal amount of males & females who answered the questionnaire, making a total of 28 people. According to our statistics the bigger percentage of people preferred the arcitechture and history of saltaire and would prefer a Futuristic or present representation on saltaire in a 3d environment.
      Most people knew a bit about the history of saltaire with a statistic of 18 out of 28 knowing a little, only 7 knowing a lot and only 3 people who knew nothing. Out of the 28, 21 thought that an interactive environment would help educate people from and about saltaire. With the majority of people wanting Roberts park and the Church as the main points to include in a 3d enviroment.
     Based on the results collaborated in the questionnaire we found that most people preferred first person games rather than 3rd person, Adventure games and RPG's (role playing games). Out of these 12 people would perfer to play there games on the Xbox 360, 9 on the playstation 3, 12 on the Nintendo Wii, 12 for the PC and only 4 for handheld gaming consoles.

The Robinsons group is an arcitechtural company that designs and creates 3d models for projects they are going to create or are designing for a company, to see how they will look when built. Established in 1999 in the silicon valley of west Yorkshire. They are very devoted to there work and are always bettering the quality of there work with the latest technology and software.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Winged Cobra logo

This is the my final design which I made in photoshop for the team logo and name, unfortunatly it wasnt chosen as the actual team name and logo. Never the less I feel I did a fairly good job, and it looks quite good all round. I got the font from a website called 1001fonts.com. The font type is called riky vampdator, I used this font becuase I felt it looked really good and stood out. It also makes the logo within the text look really unique and awesome, in my opinion ofcourse.
  Origionally I was going to have the winged cobra at the side or in the background of the name, but after a few alterations to make the logo look better I decided it looked best in the middle.
In conclusion I feel that the end product looks great and is what I envisioned my Design to be, I think if I had more time on the project I may have added more features, but I believe it looks better as it is, not to basic but not to in depth, and with the white background it really makes the logo stand out.

Ideas for Logo and team name

The class was split into team of about six people and was asked to each come up with a few different names for the team as well as each design a few different logo ideas for there chosen names. We then were asked to chose the best idea for the team so that they could be made and put on to T-shirts for the team.     My team was comprised of myself, Oliver Shillingford, Alex Jeffery, Alex Ejraee, Joe lee and Josh Williams. We each came up with our own ideas, and decided that we would each decide which name sounded best for each person, then with those names we each set out to design a logo for that specific name.
The name ideas are as follows:
Isaac Parker (myself): Winged Cobra
Oliver Shillingford: Team Kronic
Alex Jeffery: The Wolf Pack
Joe lee: The Action Six
The reason there were only four names to chose from was because two of the team was absent that day.
 My Ideas where as follows: Winged Cobras, White lightening and Cryogenics.

Here are my designs:

Once I decided that "Winged Cobra" was my favourite chose, I began to design some different logo's with that name: 

And finally my final design Idea: