Tuesday 4 October 2011

Winged Cobra logo

This is the my final design which I made in photoshop for the team logo and name, unfortunatly it wasnt chosen as the actual team name and logo. Never the less I feel I did a fairly good job, and it looks quite good all round. I got the font from a website called 1001fonts.com. The font type is called riky vampdator, I used this font becuase I felt it looked really good and stood out. It also makes the logo within the text look really unique and awesome, in my opinion ofcourse.
  Origionally I was going to have the winged cobra at the side or in the background of the name, but after a few alterations to make the logo look better I decided it looked best in the middle.
In conclusion I feel that the end product looks great and is what I envisioned my Design to be, I think if I had more time on the project I may have added more features, but I believe it looks better as it is, not to basic but not to in depth, and with the white background it really makes the logo stand out.

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