Tuesday 7 February 2012

design idea of logo for Game

In our team we each had to come up with a design idea for the logo of the game we will be featuring in a trailer we will be creating very soon. I decided to go for an obvious design idea yet still looks good in my opinion, I added what looks like 4 claw marks or a tear (your preference) then found a good looking font on 1001fonts.com to use of the game name, then finally found a picture of one of the lions outside salts building in Saltaire. (the game trailer has to feature Saltaire & something to do with its history (teams preference)) then I changed the threshold of the image using Photoshop, so it would be in black an white rather than grey and boring, I also had to change a few other things as it originally had a background, which I had to get rid of.    
      Once the team had each created there own version of how they wanted the logo to look we decided to vote upon which of the 6 logos was deemed the best for the game featured in our trailer, after an extensive talk about each of the good and bad features of everyone's logos we decided to that Joe Lee's design was the best.
Below is Joe Lee's Logo design and the logo for the game in our trailer, Congratulations Joe Lee :)
Thanks for reading :)

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