Monday 30 January 2012

Simple Tree scene

Today in 3ds max I looked at creating a displacement map, to do this I created a plane 20 length and width segments and added a displace modifier to it, them I added a noise bitmap to it and increased the strength to of the plane to make in change form and look more like a bumpy field. Then I went to the foliage tool bar and added a Japanese cherry blossom as this is my favorite tree. Once all the basics where in place I then went on the modifiers list and added a boxgizmo, in order to add a fog effect and a bitmap. Its fairly poor compared to my early work but the class hasn't been on 3ds max in a few months and the teacher wants use to get back into the swing of things, but once the boring stuff is done, soon I will be bringing you my teams animated trailer.
   Thats about it, hopefully next 3ds max blog post will have more to offer for you guys :)

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