Monday 16 January 2012

3ds max Windows & door

Today we finally got make on 3ds max after months of eagerly waiting for the opportunity to once again own my skills in the 3d world. We each designed a neo-classical style window, specific to our individuality.
   We started by creating a box then used the bend tool to create an arch from the box, and extruded the bottom polygons of the arch to create a window frame. We then added a box at the bottom of the window frame to create the window ledge, and also a box at the top to give a realistic look to how many of the window frames within Saltaire look like, we did this because very soon we will be making an animation based within Saltaire.
Once the window frame had been made we then added a texture using the material editor, and used a sandy brick type colour as many of the building is Saltaire are made with this colour stone.
To create the door we just duplicated the window and then extruded the bottom of the arch further to look more door like, then used the uniform tool to scale up the model making it look more like a door.

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