Tuesday 24 January 2012

Agreed content & delegation of roles for 3 minute animated trailer

We as a team today decided upon the delegation of roles for the production and advertising of the animated trailer we are soon to be producing. We all created a back-story for a game then chose from the group the best story, we decided upon choosing a combination of my idea and a few others from the group. In doing this, we were able to make the entire group happy as they all had influence of what went on in the trailer, and due to the changes we now can all create our own environment unique to our own imaginations.
The delegation of roles decided that:
Isaac Parker (ME): 
 Create Salts building exterior and an apocalyptic version of salts building & an apocalyptic town most, likely a few buildings as I don't want to over burden myself. 
Josh Williams:
Corridor within Salts Building & Separate environment unique to himself using a steam punk theme.  
Joe Lee: 
Stairs & corridor within Salts building & separate environment unique to his own specifications.
Alex Jeffery:
Create portal and portal effects & separate environment. 
Alex E:
Basement and power supply, with possible effects & separate environment.

Marketing Material:
I will be making one of the 2 splash screens, that will be used at the beginning and end of the trailer.
The other splash screen will be created by Alex E.
 Box art- Josh W
      Splash screen- Joe L
      A1/A3 poster & A5 flyer- Oliver S 
     Web Banner- Alex J
    Name Logo- everyone- The Loge of the game featured in the trailer is called "Torn", Everyone in the team is going to attempt to design and produce a logo for the game, once everyone has created one we will then democratically vote on which one the group thinks is best to use as the actual game loge to be featured in the trailer.

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