Tuesday 5 October 2010

Desktop Wallpaper Design

I drew 4 different designs that I got inspirations from by searching through google and looking at different desktop designs and other images that suited my personal feeling. These designs were anitated from the original and drawn in the way I saw them. The designs that I were drawing were to be used as a desktop image. It had to include the shipley college logo, the media suit logo and a few college rules the class felt was most important to include in the desktop.
    The first design I did was of a koy fish I found a picture of one on the Internet, I copied the picture and made a few changes. Around the fish are flowers to symbolise the beautie of the koy.
    The second design was of the yin yang symbol. I also found this picture on the Internet, I printed it out and copied it out changing certain aspects of the design by adding an additional circle around it with a semi circle pattern around it to make the yin yang symbol stand out.
    Thirdly, as I'm abscessed with most things Japanese and I love the manga bleach I chose to do a bleach design for the desktop. I found an image of a mask form the manga and drew it out then added colour to make it stand out and to emphasise the darkness and nature of the mask.
    Finally I found a picture of a Japanese cherry blossom on the Internet and then drew one of the petals, after that I traced it and then flipped the image over so it reflected. Then I added the Japanese symbol for respect as the centre piece and placed the shipley college logo at the bottom.

I chose this picture to use as my final design because I love the Image and it looks peaceful, which will hopefully transfer to other people when they see it on a desktop, It also has meaning as it has the rules of the college around it and the Japanese symbol for respect in the center of the drawing.

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