Tuesday 19 October 2010

Final desktop Image and final desktop after Improvement

To make this desktop design, there were many stages that I had to undertake.
    First I found 4 pictures of images I found on the Internet that I liked to base my idea around. Then I annotated and drew all four pictures and chose the one that appealed to me the most.
    Once I chose the image for my desktop I drew it on A3 paper and made some changes to the image to make it better. Then I Scanned it onto the computer and began to colour and edit the image in Photoshop. I gave the image a background which made the image stand out more then changed the colour of the flowers to suit the image. I also used bevel and emboss to give the flowers shadow and make the image look more appealing.
 Once finished with all the little tweaks I added the Shipley college logo and the media suite logo in too, I also added the main rules of Shipley college in the desktop image. Finally I changed the font of the rules to make it look more effective and stand out, then I saved the image as a Jpeg.

To make my desktop design better I added more meaning full words to the picture to add the rules of the college, I also changed the colours of some of the words to make them stand out more, because they were blur ed when I used it as a background.
    I also added to the colour shading of the image itself to make the flowers look more appealing, and it is easy to see that more attention to detail has been added.

Evaluation of final desktop image:
Does the end product match your original intentions?
I believe that my final design matches my original intentions, I wanted to do something with Japanese art and chose cherry blossoms as the theme for the desktop. Once I had chosen the image for the blossoms I changed the image around and made it my own. I paid a lot of attention to detail in my design and spent a lot of time designing the finished product on paper before moving it on to the computer.
   In conclusion i think it all when well and the final outcome was more or less exactly what I hoped for. Everything was done in photoshop, once I put the picture on to the computer, I changed the colours of the flowers and made a background using the paint tool on photoshope.
 Is the end product appropriate for your intended audience?
There is no vulgar language in my design and I know that it is appropriate for all ages, so I believe that it is defiantly appropriate for my target audience. The image is very appealing and I feel that people of all ages could find something they enjoy about it.

Discuss the technical aspects of your work and highlight the strengths / areas to develop
I had a fair bit of difficulty getting use to using layers and duplicating the layers to add improvements or tyring things out. but apart from that I think I did a fairly reasonable job, I especially like my Japanese cherry blossoms which I spent a lot of time trying to perfect.

Discuss the content / style of your work - ideally this should relate to your research
I made my desktop in a Japanese anime/manga design, I used Japanese cherry blossoms and Japanese symbols in my design to add to the style of the desktop. I also added the shipley college logo and the media suite logo. Within the design i added 6 different rules of the college that the class felt was appropriate to use.
   After all this i added a background to the design, the final background was actually a mistake, whilst I was playing around with different background styles, I made this pattern above and I stuck with it.

Finally...*If you had the opportunity to make this product again would you do anything different? And are you happy with the overall product?
If I made the desktop again I would improve the colouring of the flowers and work with shading more to find better contrasting colours, apart from that everything i did was exactly what i wanted and I wouldn't want it any other way, I thuraly enjoyed doing the project and am fairly happy with the overall outcome of the entire project.


  1. Nice design mate the cracked background worked out really well =) x

  2. The drawing was great to begin with but with all the textures and colours you added it looks amazing, great stuff ^^ not many flaws i can pull from it
